Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gold, the most precious metal on earth

It just came to me recently about 2 month ago where suddenly I'm falling in LOVE with GOLD. Heheheh.. I had been thinking a lot about recent development on the Malaysia's economic situation where the almost everything become pricey. The fuel price hike, the food cost getting expensive. For me, the ringgit value is getting smaller. Not like the old days where with RM50.00 you can spend for many things. Nowadays, with the same amount, you can only have very little in your possession. In order word, less purchasing power.

So, I have been thinking, how could I generate more money in order to survive in this modern world. I'm not good in business. I don't inherit wealth from my parents. I'm also not married to the daughter of Sultan Brunei (hehehe, but I thank Allah for having such a wonderful wife plus wonderful kids.. hehehe sometime headache also).

So, I think the only think I can do is to have saving. When talk about saving, the word inflation comes to my mind. Then it is best for for me to start invest rather than the inflation eats my money.

When talk about investing, it is not that easy to invest. I mean, I just cannot go to BSKL and start investing. I have a very basic knowledge about investing. I learned a bit about investment while I was with Maybank. Thanks to that, due to my nature of work at that time, I have to learn about Investment plus pressure from my financial situation at that time. I had came to understand about Unit Trust since I have to take a license in order to market the ASB's (Amanah Saham Bumiputera) product. I have to have a selling point in order to get people to take the ASB loan. That is some history how I learned a bit about investment. I am not interested with ASB due to one reason. I'll talk about it later on.

When investing, I want to minimize the risk and maximize the profit. So, I have to do my own research. I do read about property, unit trust and even get involve in MLM. However, I don't find it suits me. Property Investment is good but when talk about property, it need such a big initial amount of money to start with. When talk about unit trust, I find it not good enough for several reason like inflation and risk. But, still it come down to one conclusion, MONEY. This five letter words give such a great impact to our live, agree or not??

MONEY, the most topic that being talked about by people all around the world. So, now I do some study and research about money. While doing a research about money, I found something about gold. That is why I fall in love with gold. Now, I much I love with this precious metal. I will talk about gold some other time. Enough for today. This is a link to wikipedia about gold Happy reading. Until later.. Salam

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